By giving them so much time, it exposed how much funnier they could have been if they were shortened. Both of these skits were given plenty of time, which usually makes them funnier, but instead the time worked against them.

Garfield or the Police Academy crew taking the spots of the X-Men. Hands down this was the funniest sketch of the show. This skit could have been offensive, but instead was outright hilarious with Lil Hitler looking innocent as he took over the classroom. From here the skit had a Jewish boy go missing, leading to the rest of the class disappearing with Lil Hitler hoarding the desks - that is until the kid with a USA shirt came in. At first he complained about how much space he had, and thus asked his teacher if he could take the Polish kid's desk as well. In the sketch Lil Hitler was taking over his classroom like he did as the leader of Germany. This skit was broken up into a couple of pieces, in order to spread out the laughs. Our favorite sketch had to do with Lil Hitler at school. Some of the skits were all right, such as the Lil Hitler and the dying giraffe, but mostly these sketches were boring filler between the good skits. In this episode we got to see skits referring to: smoke signal sex, the CEO of Burger King killing his son, Ghostbusters at a urinal, Lil Hitler, Heathcliff taking Garfield to court, a giraffe in quicksand experiencing the stages of death, and the X-Men being replaced by the cops from Police Academy. to bring us hilarious and original episodes like they used to. But here we find ourselves pleading to Seth Green and Co. Fans of the first season remember the great references to memorable shows, making for some of the best animated comedy to air in years. Not to say that "Sausage Fest" was bad, but it wasn't what we are used to seeing. As mentioned, Robot Chicken used to rule the roost, with its unique animation style and its hilarious references to childhood toys and television shows, but now they are settling for simple gags that aren't so funny. Now that we got that out of our system - " Sausage Fest" was a rather average episode in the midst of a season of average to pretty good episodes. has finished its season, you should be ruling the Sunday night Adult Swim block… so why is it that you are kicking out mediocre episodes? Please work your issues out, and come back to us at full strength. What happened to you, Robot Chicken? You normally are so funny, why have you been burning us? We hate to say it, but you are getting competition from Metalocalypse.