Go ahead, transcribe your Octogenerian Professor of Linguistics onto one and use it as you send him to Syria in search of rare pottery shards. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here You can contact me through dudleydarklords wargaming site, im the web admin. Great sheet and great site!Ĭthulhu Reborn Freebie resources for Lovecraftian Roleplaying. Chris Taylor December 14th, at 9: Foxit makes good stuff, but I hseet know if you can stille get an editor from them for free. It also had a few autocalculation functions Looking online, it seems that I need Adobe Acrobat Professional in order to add these functions to a PDF file. There are many PDF editing programs that aren’t from Adobe. I haven’t used any of them for that purpose, so I can’t vouch for any particular program. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. It has a free trial download, but it might not let you save changes.

A little while ago I designed an Art Nouveau character sheet for s Call of Cthulhu - you can see it a couple of posts back on this blog.įLEXIGRID EXPORT PDF Art Nouveau Cthulhu Character Sheet Depending on what you have planned there might be text-free versions of the graphic logos etc that I could share to help your creation. I have found the best way to save fillable pdfs is by using PDF Xchange viewer. I have thrown together some editable fields on this,not perfect but it works. Click on the links below: Post was not sent – check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Recently found these when looking for new character sheets.

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: The Dhole’s House may be of some use to you. Learn how your comment data is processed. Well I thought to myself, who am I to stand in the way of the accumulated voices of the international community of Lovecraftian Roleplayers well, actually the accumulated voices of the two people who posted on the forum they liked the idea? Character Sheets – Core – Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition – Chararacter sheets for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. file, CoC – Harlem Unbound – Character Sheet (Cthulhu).pdf,, 66 KB. CoC – 6th Ed Character Sheet (fillable).pdf,, KB. So I modified the standard Call of Cthulhu PDF character sheet and now it isn’t fillable anymore.